Hi there!
I must say I really liked writing a blog. However I'm not in that mood today :D. So I decided to share some videos about "Holes". My new entry will be about the character analysis of Zero, my favourite character.
That video is almost the middle part of the adapdated movie. Maybe I haven't mentioned before, but there is a movie about that book. In this part we can easily understand which character is which. The famous actor Shia LaBeouf was Stanley.
And the fight between "Caveman" and Zigzag...
D Tent Boyzzzz...
I saw this picture today. It immediately reminded me our book :D. Aren't they similar? Hugh Laurie as Stanley Yealnats... It would be absolutely unique.
PS: House M.D. is my favourite TV show.
Bye for now!
your entries are inspiring me , thanks!